About Me.
The Full Story
I am a highly spiritually gifted person. I am extremely in tune with my Spirit Guides. It was like once I learned how to channel my gifts through the tarot, my gifts just continued to expand.
I began with dream interpretation as a very little girl. I remember being 4 and sitting on the top bunk bed with my older cousin in a California Valley. She had just had a bad dream. Both of us were sat there... concentrating & really desiring to know why in the world my lovely cousin would have a dream like that. We were both sure it had to be a reason.
I can't exactly share the dream because it is not mine to share, however, we both worked hard in dissecting that dream. It was not easy at that age & it would just keep coming up in conversation because it really shook our little childhood brains. It took us a couple of years to actually find all the answers (this was before google; lol), but when we found the answers, we found we had taught ourselves how to do something that was repeatable and useful for other dreams that were happening to not only the harem of 5 magical women that I grew up with but for my divinitive Auntie & others.
When I was 13 or 14, (Still in California), I can recall another moment when that very same cousin was force-feeding me an astrology book & a chakra awareness session. We were both avid readers & well I took it as just one of her new fads. I complied. It began something within me. I just had to subscribe to horoscopes for myself & so I began following them religiously because the newspaper section just wouldn't do. LOL.
That was until, like the story of any other Black, African-American woman, I read or heard in church or the bible that interpreting signs of the heaven or following stars was wrong. It wasn't until years later (well only 2-3 years) that I learned of the Council of Nicea & understood that the 3 wise men in the biblical allegory (as the tale goes) were interpreting the stars, so how could it be wrong?
Either way, I found myself further rooted in the Baptist church as a spiritual vehicle and immensely studied the bible for the next 5 years; and I am a Virgo; so, what I mean is: I broke down the etymological definitions of the words in both languages of Greek & Hebrew for the Old & New Testaments & then carried on into Catholic Bible, Jewish Bible, Islamic Bible, Jehovah Witness Bible, Mormon Bible & any versions of Buddhist teachings sprinkled with a little Hindu & Krishna before I realized a monumental universal truth.
We are all one in the same, seeking the same basic needs, in the best & sometimes only way we know how.
I digressed, but did you learn a bit about me there..?
It took 5 years to read all 66 books of the Holy Bible by the way & by the time I was 19 I was able to proudly say to any soul. “Yes, I have read the entire bible…have you? Pompous?!?; very much so!, But true!
Spiritually my quest for the truth was insatiable & even after reading all of that, I still felt that I had not yet been fed to the needs that would satiate my souls' aspirations.
What always remained true spiritually was that I was born into a family of gifted women and their predictive strength & abilities that showed forth from all of them time and time again still astounded me. I had left California at 19 & moved to Nevada, then North Dakota, then Michigan before leaving the country entirely. I lived in Ontario, Canada for a long while before coming to Newfoundland & Labrador.
But still, the women in my family were all relied upon in their respective lives for spiritual gold that just spewed forth from them effortlessly. And throughout all my travelling & experiences I had become accustomed to relying on my intuition foremost, as it never failed me. My move from North Dakota was a blind move. It took me three days of phone calling and research to figure out where I was going & when my bus arrived I had no place to go & I knew that was not a problem. Crazy right? But true! It was one of the best decisions I ever made in my life.
Needless to say, my intuition, like the nose of a hound, never led me wrong. I am the 1st of my immediate family to use my gifts professionally. I did have both a distant Aunt & a distant cousin/friend of the family (you know how we go, lol) who were witch doctors by nature. People just came to them & they always knew what to do.
I found the tarot & I found the authentic expression of my natural abilities.
I have since found out who I am & most thankfully, who I am not. I have transcended many levels of consciousness which ultimately set my precognitive abilities & my old wise soul completely free. And, I am now here to help you to do the same.
I am just as dedicated as I was to dissecting religion as I am to becoming the best at what I do in order to better serve all the souls who are led to me. I read using dream interpretation, tarot, runes & astrology predominantly. I am a Shaman. I am a healer. I am a dreamer with the heart of a poet. I am a visionary, a lover, and a friend. I am a fighter & a champion for the brave. I am no different than you. I believe changing your reality begins with conscious awareness & paying attention & putting yourself in a position to have deep & soulful conversations.
I am all of you, shaken, stirred & mirrored back to you with a slightly different reflection.
Thanks for reading!