Unveiling the Tarot 2 Year Intensive Course
If you have any questions, you can always message me on WhatsApp +1 (437)986-6090
This is a divinely led, intensive unveiling of the 78-card tarot system of divination. Depending on the course you have selected from above it will take a certain amount of time for the dispensation tarot knowledge & symbolism for any tarot practice. My courses are for both beginners and beyond. I use varying techniques throughout the course for deepening your subconscious connection to your deck and helping you to develop skills that will enable you to clearly read for yourself, your friends & family, or any clients you seek to attain or maintain. This course does set the foundation to help give you the tools to develop your own intuitive business, but I warn you, the classes were not meant to be taken in isolation. [Especially if you are studying to enhance your ability to read tarot to assist others in exchange for payment]. I have multiple courses that all expand on the depth of wisdom needed to read accurately for yourself and for others. The distinction of my courses from any other is that the courses have a concentrated but timely focus on delving into EsoTaric pearls of wisdom throughout the ages like the Gematria, the Sefirot & The Tree of Life. I dispense this deep knowledge in a spiritually safe way in an effort to not overwhelm (entirely lol) and retain what is necessary to not only sustain a healthy divination practice but to live a healthy spiritual life. It contains a thorough explanation of the symbolism and subconscious connections that serve as a bridge to the collective wisdom around us all. Although in separate classes, I delve more deeply into the Sefirot, you will see that if I add any more content you all will simply die from too much information...hence why the courses are not meant to be taken in isolation.
My courses are designed for the serious learner whether beginner or adept. It covers very EsoTaric applications of the cards that most systems dare include in their curriculum including planetary emphasis and numerological aspects & so much more. These topics are usually not covered because of the level of depth & complexity that is inherent within the nature of this type of content and the age-old question of "How does this apply in a reading tho?". I, however, have been gifted with an ability to explain rather complex bodies of information with a simplicity that can be understood by anyone. There will be very small amounts of self-study involved in this course which will ultimately help you in making the strongest connection possible with your cards. My intent is to save you from the hours, weeks, months, and years it takes to learn this material on your own after sussing out the proper references to aid you along your journey through the tarot...not to mention the thousands of dollars it would cost to do so.
The thing that it would serve you well to admit on this path is that there is no simple, quick & easy way to learn the tarot. You quite simply have to do the work or find an instructor who has done and continues to do the work for you. I, EsoTarot Da Cane, your instructor, am currently employed by more than 8 reputable psychic companies and I am dedicated to the furthering of my knowledge as a student of the esoteric principles of the tarot. I have however reached a point where I can be of immense assistance to those who are both new to this journey and have been on this path for too long while still finding the tarot elusive in their practice.
I take great pride in the elements that are presented as my course material & I enjoy the unveiling of the subconscious mind that is inherent in this deeply spiritual facilitation. You will have some handouts provided via email to help you throughout your journey both with and without me which will be provided with the course content for you to download and save to your device for later. It is my earnest intention for you to create lifelong relationships with the people you learn within your group, or one-on-one depending on how your journey begins with me. There will be discounts offered for those who are willing to learn with a small group of 3. Soon the entire course will be pre-recorded & the human element will be given in the form of a group bi-weekly Q&A session which is much more formal and less personal than the offer I have now but keep in mind I am working on getting this course automated. One on One Access will be cheap for a LIMITED TIME ONLY so reserve your price by getting started today.
This course will expose valuable real-life connections regarding each of the major & minor arcana as well as many different tarot techniques that will help you to never feel like you don’t know how or can’t work with your deck. This course will also help the practitioner develop a relationship with their deck of cards and enhance their ability to interpret the meanings of card patterns within any layout.
Any new content will be released with a notification regarding my course. (Note: It was very difficult for me to confine this content to time limits and restrictions as the art of reading tarot or divining information from the collective consciousness tends to transcend the dimensions of time.) This course is an enormous commitment of time and will pay off in the end, keep in mind that the opportunities for self-study & practice will greatly enhance your experience but are not required. All you must do is show up for a phone call once a week where you can see a screen where I can share any visuals I have for you. Well, that's it! Join me for more & get ready for class by purchasing one of the below recommended decks, a notebook & a pen. See you around!
Course Requirements
Any level of tarot enthusiast is welcome to attend. The course will be valuable for the beginner as well as the advanced student.
Students must have the following:
A notebook
A pen
A deck of 78 tarot cards in the likeness of the Rider-Waite-Smith ONLY
(RWS preferred due to subconscious & esoteric phenomenon afforded this deck.)
Radiant Wise Spirit Tarot
Radiant Rider - Waite Tarot
Smith Waite Tarot Deck - Borderless Edition
Smith-Waite Tarot Deck - Centennial Edition
Pamela Coleman Smith Commemorative Set