Did you know that 5% of your DNA composes your entire physical and genetic makeup while the other 95% is attributed to cell memory?
Our cell memory functions to carry and remember energetic resonances that are connected to our blood through our bloodlines. This is how it is possible to have past life memories that can be tapped into in our current life. Whether you believe in these things or not it is a fact that this cell memory carries information that reminds us of who we are where we come from and where we are going.
Everything we experience in life from the food we eat, our happiest memories down to our lowest moments are carried and stored through this cell memory databank. We can also find things like our reasons for having predispositions for certain mannerisms, fears, characteristics and even likes and dislikes.
Why should I care? And how does this pertain to me?
Did you know that when people say they "know" you they are referring to those past actions and habits that he manifestation of our cell memories have shown them? These past actions have helped them to create their memories of us that we define as "knowing" someone. This same cell memory is what goes into play when we go on auto pilot and just do things without thinking about them. This is in essence an manifested part of our subconscious selves flowing through us.
How do we stop doing things that are blocking our evolution?
Everyday we are gifted with the opportunity to rewrite the very essence of who we are but most of the time we revert back to our cell memory and just do the same thing we have always done without ever tapping into these opportunities no matter how badly we are seeking change in our lives.
We live everyday with the reality of the results our past decisions have brought upon us but what amount of our past needs to be forgotten in order for us to shed the negative versions of ourselves and allow our best self to flow through.
We should remember the lessons we learned but not believe the actions that created them are a part of our character.
We should remember the lessons we learned but not believe the actions that created them are who we are and will always be.
We need to disown our grip/association to the habits that do not serve us and take up the opportunity of today in being who we have always wanted to be.

How often do you count your accomplishments and see your successes? Sometimes it’s about shifting the minds focus to the positive you have missed along the way rather than reimmersing yourself in the things that have gone wrong that are already hard to forget you know…
I often find myself wondering if I have been given the chance to redeem myself for the many painful decisions that have led me to where I am today or am I trapped in my own reality? I have recently discovered a thing called shadow work which seems to be the spiritual version of deep trauma therapy. It is starting to occur to me that maybe it's time to focus on the spiritual side of healing and perhaps the intensive works I have done psychologically will start to kick in and take effect in a more potent manner.