We find ourselves in this deep and resentful anxiety ridden place where our needs are no longer being met because we are using our personal energies to serve another.
When we say the term personal energies we use these terms too loosely. We forget that we are only gifted with so much time on this Earth and only so much energy, vitality, or inertia to create the results we desire.
We offer to help others do the things their personal energies are meant to be used to complete while neglecting those dreams and tasks we have are meant to complete that rightfully belong to us.
Personal energies are just that and when we use our personal energies to help manifest the desires of others, we are in that very moment giving our personal power away. We must always give only when we have excess to give and only then or else we will find ourselves in a perpetual state of imbalance and misalignment with our purpose.
Ask yourself, "If you were to leave this Earth in some unfortunate manner, (fingers crossed that this is not your story, but for some it is) what would you say regarding all the dreams that went to your grave with you and all of the gifts of time and energy you had that were given to others instead of the purpose and calling meant especially for you?"
No stop...and really ask yourself....how do the realities you must face within this question make you feel?
If you are not filled with overwhelming gratitude and appreciation for the opportunities you used to attain your accomplishments then this next bit is for you...
Where in your life are you resenting others?
When you find where this is, ask yourself, "What is it that I am not doing to serve my needs in that very moment I am resenting others?"
"What need of mine in that moment am I not fighting for? Speaking up about?"
If you believe you are not in a position to speak up about your needs and you are an adult, it is time for you to move on from this situation. If you are in a positon to speak up about your needs then ask yourself, "why don't you feel you deserve a seat at the table?"
The universal inevitability of this life is that our very presence is a monumental declaration of the truth we all deserve to take up space and use the things necessary for our survival and manifestation of our most beautiful version of ourselves.
We are all here on this planet to be our organic, original, authentic self! Find and carry yourself to those situations people and places that allow you to assert your boundaries and you will find in this activity of asserting your boundaries that you can have everything you need to manifest your desires...
Take a moment to find the boundaries that you need to separate the fine line of energies where you begin and where another person ends. If you are highly spiritual, then you need to take a double dose of this message because herein also lies your protection from malfeasance and abuse.
These are the boundaries that make the foundation that is required to build or maintain any accomplishment you seek.
